In March I celebrated my 60th birthday. This is a birthday that I had been dreading, I thought 60 is so old. My sister Margaret and her husband Bob came out to help celebrate. Little did I know that she and my husband and 3 kids were planning a surprise party for me. We were driving down our street and I couldn't figure out who all those people were in front of our home. We were having road work done on our street and I thought what a lot of workers. Then one by one I began to recognize the "road workers". They were family and friends ready to help me celebrate turning 60. As I got out of the car I began to see many familiar faces, although I had overlooked one in particular. Up came Becca who had flown in from California the day before. Of course as an old lady now I started cyring tears of surprise and joy. Once inside I found out they had everything set up for a 60's theme party, with lava lamps, peace signs and hippies.
I really felt so special with all of the work that had been done. My sister made me a quilt with old family pictures , and she also organized a quilt with squares made from friends and family.
It did my heart good to see our grown children get together and carry off such a big gathering.
I want to thank them for all the work they did. It made me feel very special on a day that I was dreading.
So I guess the question still is, "Is 60 old?" I know it is all relative. I've never been one to hide my age. I figured that lying about my age was saying to God that He didn't know what he was doing. In Psalm 139: 13-16, it says that all my days were ordained before one of them came to be. God planned for me to be born in March 1948. And yes some days I do feel "old", but that is the phase of life that I am in now. I want now to figure out what God wants me to do with the rest of my life.