Monday, June 21, 2010

Ourdoor Fun

I haven't blogged for a while, so this is a catch up for what we have been up to lately. First Elise and I planted flowers for the deck. Elise only lasted for 3 pots of flowers, then abandoned me for the sandbox, but we still had fun.
Corinna is spending the summer learning to read and has already advanced to National Geographic. she seems to get more out of them upside down. that's one smart kid!
Then we went one evening for dinner to see Rocket & Roxanne while they were staying at the Hancock's.
All the kids loved to drive the cars.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The first Picnic of Summer

Sunday we were able to coordinate a family picnic. We met at fox Run Park. Kids played on the playground,
and we went for a walk to the pond.
I think everyone had a good time.