No these toys are not for the grandkids, but for Grandma and Grandpa. We are calling them His, Hers, and Ours. Gary has wanted a storage shed for a long time and finally this was designated as his summer project. We labored most of the day on Labor Day putting the shed up. Now we just have to clean out the garage and fill the shed.

I have also been dreaming of a large ironing board. I know ironing can't really be considered a play time activity, but when ironing large pieces of fabrics, or quilts these ironing boards are great item. Gary made the board and I made a covering. I'm almost in heaven!

Now I am really in heaven. This is the "Our" toy. Our old TV was almost 20 years old and would turn off on a whim. Usually it came back on in a few minutes, but lately it has been staying off for a couple of hours. Luckily they were on sale this week, so we made the big splurge and bought a big screen TV. We'll see if this one lasts 20 years.